Tuesday, May 24, 2005

one big burden upon my shoulders

I need a stress ball...No, make it two....Two BIG ones. No buns, i mean, no pun intended. Literally, that is.
Exams over, and i don't really have a stressful temporary job right now. I'm still girlfriendless (No, being girlfriendless DOES NOT contribute nor does it have any effect on my stress level). Well, i 'd just realised what is really giving me lots of pressure and stress. It's my MUM! Yes, it's her! She's one BIG f**king problem in my life!
People might say or see me as an unfilial son or an ungrateful brat for my remarks, but hey, before you start calling me one, maybe you should come over my place and experience a week's of torment first. I've said before, or at least made known before that my mum's a mentally unstable and in need of major psychiatric treatment.

People who know me well should have realised that i DON"T like staying at home. I HATE listening to my mother's voice. Have you ever been in the bus or train when two fat aunties, both of whom obviously have listening problems, start chatting with one another at the top of their voices? That's what? At most an hour and a half? Now, imagine your mum speaks non-stop to "herself" at that volume. Non-stop meaning as long as you aren't at home. Crap that generally comes out of her mouth goes like this...Argh...forget it....it's as nonsensical as much as you think it is...Mmm...Maybe i should record it in MIDI form and attach to my blog so that everyone can empathise with me..Or maybe not...Can't really gauge how big a file for a 24-hour MIDI file is....

As i was saying, she's the only MAJOR factor that contributes to my "stress". Colleagues would often advise that i should put her in a mental institute. At least she'll be taking proper medication there. At least there is a chance of recovery. Well, the decision lies with my Dad, not me. Apparently, he has an extremely high level of tolerance. Sometime's i can't help but feel that i was born to be tormented by her. Karma? Retribution? Maybe. Most people don't realise how difficult it is to live with a mental patient. Believe me, you would rather be with someone who is physically sick but mentally normal.

Don't ever ask me how and when my Mum turned out in her current state. I have no idea either. I don't really care. I just want her to recover so all of us can lead our normal lives again.

Usually, i don't really like writing so much on my Mum. But again, she did p*ssed me off a while ago. I'd came back from work at about 8.30pm only to realise my room's been gassed. Gassed by Shieldtox. Don't know whether the spelling's correct but in case you don't know, it's insecticide. Those that come in cans and then you start spraying those pesky pests dead with? My room's so poorly ventilated and SHE closed my windows and left the fan off = Gases stay in the room waiting for me to breathe them in and die. It's like 3 hours later now, and my room still smells the same. I'm so f**king sleepy after a day's work and i really want to sleep. Can't i at least sleep on my bed IN my room?

p.s. If i really die on my bed in my room tonight, you'd know what killed me.


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