Friday, April 01, 2005

a long school term

In case anyone is actually wondering where the hell i went the past few weeks, i'm still ALIVE. As much as most people want me to get run down by an MRT train, get knocked into coma by a falling vase thrown off the twelfth storey by a killer litterer (killer litterer....hmmm...)et cetera, i'm still A L I V E!
I went through my blog, and GASP! Realised i last log an article in like 20 days ago. It was just like yesterday when i told myself that i would write something the next day since i was supposed to be busy that day. Didn't know i could accumulate that much....

For my beloved readers out there, if there's one, i was busy with my school project the last few weeks. School poject does not mean drawing a few pictures or cutting newspaper articles. It does not mean copying a whole load of bullsh*t from some "renowned author's" journal. School project means building a CHAMPION ROBOT.
Yes, a CHAMPION ROBOT. Together with eight other powerful individuals like myself, we set out since last semester to design and fabricate a robot that was suppose to accomplish certain tasks. Certain tasks assigned by the module coordinator. And towards the end of the semester there was supposed to be a competition to determine the best robot. That competition took place last week, and we WON.


Beating all the other robots designed by our peers! Beating the hell out of those "my cap's only 4.9" wizards! Who would have imagined a "don't-seem-so-intelligent" team like us would have produced a CHAMPION robot? There were netizens who felt that our ideas suck, who felt that our ideas' crappy and far-fetched....But hey, Brother Netizen, your robot didn't seem that impressive as well.

Rite, gonna stop here today. Cos i'm still in school using the school's computer. And depriving others from using the computer while i'm here enjoying my blogging.
Will try to put up pictures of my CHAMPION ROBOT and our CHAMPION TEAM.


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