a short crash course into the history of Singapore
I should have entered this article a week ago. While the exhilaration was still there. All you nice people out there must have known by now that i am one boring person who does nothing but idle. I would switch on my bro's PS2 when i'm bored. When i am so darn stressed out i would bowl my hard-saved money down the gutters. Alone. I would rent a nice book. Only if i happen to spot one. There aren't many eye-catching books these days. There aren't many at this rent-a-book shop that's 5 bus-stops away from home. I spend my weekends watching crappy drama serials on TV8. Well, on a hindsight, they aren't that shitty anyway. At least they amuse me on my weekends.
But i had a wonderful day last Saturday. I went to SENTOSA! With my brother and his wife. They were real nice. Knew i was gonna feel lonely and bored on my weekends, so they kinda asked me along. Kinda hesitated at first. My mum's incessant self-chatting triggered my decision.
Was damn guilty. I wanted to take pics for the couple initially. In the end, it was my bro and i who hogged the snapshots. Take a look at our pics.Figure 1. Two men in the Harbourfront-Sentosa shuttle bus. (My brother in black; me in white)
Figure 2. Two men and the Old Man in the tree.
Figure 3
. In an old kopi-house.
Figure 4
. Drinks vendor.
Figure 5. Watching a puppet show with Mei-mei.
Think the last picture is eerie? Wait till you see the original one.
Stay tuned!
1 ge,great to see that your having fun and TRYING to put yourself out there...hahaha...anyways,haven't heard from you for a long,wondering how you have been but i guess the blog pretty much covered what i wanted to ask..hehehe..drop me a line or two when ya free,and i'll write ya an email soon..take care k??:)
:) cooolz lar pal..haha those are good pics..i din go to those places that you been to lorr..not even during our Singles Night!!Haha remember our Rasa Sentosa Night??!!Haha Ah Chwee with a fat ger??hahahaa
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