Finally, after 3 weeks of laborous studying and scribbling anwsers on examination sheets, it's over!
Com'on i mean EXAMS OVER!
Well, it was over on the 3rd actually. Was just sick and tired of writing and thinking after my exams, i guess...Hence the late entry.
Initially i had thought that this semster's gonna be smooth sailing...At least it was before my last paper.
I had always HATED maths. For a start, maths is one BORING subject i tell you. Maybe not for the Chinese students, but it definitely IRKS me. I read with displeasure a recent article in the papers. There was this highly rated scholar who wrote something racist in his BLOG and his BLOG became notoriously popular overnight. A media whore maybe...Well, as usual, he got off with it with a stern warning by the board and after he and his family expressed remorse...Yeah remorse my FOOT! Tell me you hate so and so today and i will love him like a brother tomorrow...Save all these pathetic calls for sympathy. And yes, he got away with it anyway. I sense him boasting to his fellow racist friends on how he got away with it. All these because he's a SCHOLAR. He should have know better, shouldn't he? Maybe he did too much maths and forgot his morals.
Well, the point here is that, i'm NOT going to write something racist in my BLOG cos i'm not a SCHOLAR. And i'm not going to get away with it like a SCHOLAR does. Unlike SCHOLARS who come from rich and well-to-do families, i live in a three room flat in Serangoon w/o air-con. How am i going to hire a lawyer if i were to be sued? So, as far as i'm concerned, i'd better play safe and type my stuff S A F E L Y.
As much as i disapprove certain mannerisms of the people from China, i DON'T hate them. I'm just a little uneasy, that's all. Half of my ancestry was from China, and i'm not going to start a tirade against my ancestors' children. I 'm a little pissed off because every now and then, i would hear my ancestors' children gossiping and bad-mouthing about my fellow countrymen. Right in my country. Let's put this straight. They are in MY country, using taxpapers' money someway or other, younger than most of us because they needn't protect MY country and here they are talking bad about MY country! And you expect my to love them like my own countrymen?
Often in the army after our last parade, we would sit down and chat heaven and earth. Probably, the all-time favorite topic was: If Singapore were to be attacked by some SOBs, would you stay and protect her with your life? The trend was that if you were living in an HDB flat, family income below $2,800, you would say yes. Yes i would protect her at all costs. Well, i was quite disappointed when i realised the more well-to-do usually said: "Protect for what? Surely die one...Better run away fast..." Yeah, obviously they could do that cos they own properties and their parents have a few companies there. The only consolation was that there were a very few of the well-to-do who said they who protect OUR country.
Okay, i've got a feeling i'm being too nationalist tonight. Mmm...maybe it was because of the show i watched last night. What did i watch?
Kingdom of Heaven.
It's a great one. You should watch it if you like LOTR and as such...
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