is liking someone that difficult
I used to bowl when i was down. The last time i tried bowling again, i realised i hated it. Bowling's a sport for rich and talented kids. Just plain rolling your balls down the gutter. Friends out there, don't ever ask me out for bowling ever again. I'll slam the door right in your face cause i'm not a rich or talented kid who loves rolling his balls down the gutter.
You would have realised by now that im never a role model for anyone. A blog's supposed to be like a diary right? Except that the whole world reads it. Well, sort of. Only was it taught in primary school that you would have to write perfect english in your diary. No abv. Or grammatical errors. As if it wasn't tiring being nice to EVERYONE you meet. Now you'd have to be nice to YOUR diary too.
Like it or not, thats the way i speak to my diary. Crude, plain simple english where all the ah bengs and ah sengs could make sense of. Well, Shake-wats-his-name-again loved all his nays and thees, so let me carry my ##@! and *&^% in MY diary. Who on earth would nay and thee anyway?
I have always found it amusing that right here in his own country, one has to learn to speak and write like he-who-uses-nays-and-thees. And obviously we suck at that. The whole street's flooded with these people who are trying so very hard to sound like the he-who-uses-nays-and-thees and they kinda annoy me.
You would have realised by now that my content's way off the title. Well, its MY diary!