Friday, April 22, 2005

2 papers down, 3 to go

In case you are wondering what's up with my title today...Yes, i had two examinations today. If you were to think "oh, it's only two papers...", let me tell you this...It's no laughing matter taking two papers on the same day. It's not like in secondary school where textbooks are as thin as the newspapers on Monday. Reading textbooks means reading and comprehending at least ( i emphasize again, AT LEAST) a thousand odd pages. Words as small as font 8. Little wonder most university students are bespectacled. I shudder to think that there might be some form of conspiracy between the government, local institutions and spectacle shops.

Well, yes...I had a paper in the morning at 9 and then time for a lunch break before another paper at 2.30. It went definitely smoothly today. The papers were relatively average (contrary to standards in university). What matters most is that i'm down to THREE papers remaining! The Gods must have been very kind to me today, i guess.

I've been surrounded by pretty girls these days, where surrounded refers to everywhere but not near me. Well, for a start, Yuni, even if i'm as gay as Timo, i would still think ur one cute babe...kekeke...In case anyone starts linking any piece of information i'm writing today, let me tell you this: Stop Now!

It's pretty "girls", not pretty girl.

Next are the pretty girls in the library. There's my belle and Jap girl. It's a double-edged sword studying in the library. On one hand seeing pretty girls studying so hard, one can't help but do so as well. On the other hand, one might be too distracted to concentrate on the textbooks. However, ultimately, it does motivate me to study in the library and the pros outweigh the cons....I guess....

Have you ever read Jason Hahn's (Did i spell correctly?) articles on 8 Days? Well, you should. It's's as interesting as my blog. Maybe he should do a blog. He came out with a book recently. Twas said in 8 Days that it is available at all major bookstores. Apparently, the Popular in Heartland Mall is not a "major" bookstore.

And no, i do not know Jason.

p.s. For all my friends and netizens out there, i'm not writing as frequent as i used to coz i'm in the midst of my examinations right now..Will do so more frequently after my exams k?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

exam fever

Didn't go to school today. Stayed at home to revise for my coming exams. Coming exams means the first paper's on next Friday. As much as i try, i can't seem to get an efficiency of at least 50%, where

Efficiency = Output / Input = Stuff i tried recalling in (x+t) secs / Stuff i tried to memorise in x secs

Put it this way: I'm just plain STUPID.
We read and heard stories of how some hardworking guy finally got his rewards after throngs of hard work and perspiration. But we soon realised that the amount of time he took to achieve his goal was also, duh, "quite" long. Well, his only consolation was that he finally managed to obtain what he wanted. His only consolation...

Hardworking but Stupid Man: Hey, Lazy but Clever Man, i've finally mastered the 3rd level of my "Palm of Rulai"!!!!
(here upon we abbreviate: HS and LC for Hardworking but Stupid and Lazy but Clever respectively)
LC: Oh really, congrats....
HS: Got to tell you man...Boy, it was one BIG achievement.
LC: Really, haha...If you think so....
HS: I worked really hard for the past three years. Day after day i contemplated...My perspiration could have made the Yellow River drown in shame i tell you...
LC: Yeah, right....
HS: And finally, finally....So, how's your training LC?
LC: Quite okay i guess...
HS: Come on, put in more hard work like me and you will succeed.
LC: Haha, yeah THANKS...
HS: So, which level have you mastered till?
LC: 13th..
HS: ..............

So you see, being hardworking when one is stupid can be self-defeating.

As corny (not horny) as it might seem, before i end my entry tonight, i'll like to thank anyone who's reading this. I really appreciate your very efforts in spending your precious time reading my articles. Hey, i'm just tryin' to be nice k?

Thursday, April 07, 2005

another misery added

Just when i thought life was, is, and going to be unbearable, another little event popped up into my already troubled, disturbed life. There's something wrong with my laptop.

There is something WRONG with my LAPTOP!

I brought my baby to school today with the intention to do my blogging in school....but in the end, i spent an hour and a half trying to figure out why my laptop was and still is erratic. Erratic, not erotic.. In simplest terms, my page file usage was approximately 160MB before today. Today, it's a whooping 260MB. Can someone tell me where that 100MB went to? Virus? Worm? Trojan? From where? I don't surf using my laptop. I open only certified-safe mails. So where the hell my 100MB when to?!!!!!! My virus scan says my baby's 100% clean. Yeah, right!

A real spoiler for the day.

Yuhaini's laptop's all screwed up...At least the IE is...and i once commented that maybe she sort of surfed around too much...too much undesirable sites...well....

I don't surf "too much" using my baby :)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

my mum

Wierd title to begin with. As much as i want to leave her out of my blog, i can't....It's part of my life anyway...

Have anyone of you ever, ever lived under the same roof with a mentally unstable, or in layman's terms, a psycho? Don't ask me how she turned out what she is today; i've told so many people about it...I'm sick and tired of repeating it all the time. Do i love or hate her? Well, i love her, that's for sure. But sometimes, i just hate her to the core. I'll be 25 in a few days' time, so don't assume today's entry is just "a teenager's griping about his mum". There are people who sticks sh*t-smelling cigarettes into their mouths and CLAIM that they puff sh*t-smelling cigarettes because they are STRESSED. That's one BIG L-A-M-E excuse. Just say it's due to peer pressure, i won't laugh at you. MUAHHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH.......

What can be more stressful than having a psychotic mum at home? Firstly, all psychotic people do not want to seek treatment. If you have one at home, forget about persuading him/her to spend some time with the psychiatrist. Save your saliva. These people can't think sense.

They speak to themselves. Yes, just like in dramas and serials, they start talking from the time they wake up till they hit their beds. Talking to themselves.

She's talking LOUDLY to herself again. ANd it's so f**king DISTRACTING!

No longer have i any mood to write for today.

Friday, April 01, 2005

a long school term

In case anyone is actually wondering where the hell i went the past few weeks, i'm still ALIVE. As much as most people want me to get run down by an MRT train, get knocked into coma by a falling vase thrown off the twelfth storey by a killer litterer (killer litterer....hmmm...)et cetera, i'm still A L I V E!
I went through my blog, and GASP! Realised i last log an article in like 20 days ago. It was just like yesterday when i told myself that i would write something the next day since i was supposed to be busy that day. Didn't know i could accumulate that much....

For my beloved readers out there, if there's one, i was busy with my school project the last few weeks. School poject does not mean drawing a few pictures or cutting newspaper articles. It does not mean copying a whole load of bullsh*t from some "renowned author's" journal. School project means building a CHAMPION ROBOT.
Yes, a CHAMPION ROBOT. Together with eight other powerful individuals like myself, we set out since last semester to design and fabricate a robot that was suppose to accomplish certain tasks. Certain tasks assigned by the module coordinator. And towards the end of the semester there was supposed to be a competition to determine the best robot. That competition took place last week, and we WON.


Beating all the other robots designed by our peers! Beating the hell out of those "my cap's only 4.9" wizards! Who would have imagined a "don't-seem-so-intelligent" team like us would have produced a CHAMPION robot? There were netizens who felt that our ideas suck, who felt that our ideas' crappy and far-fetched....But hey, Brother Netizen, your robot didn't seem that impressive as well.

Rite, gonna stop here today. Cos i'm still in school using the school's computer. And depriving others from using the computer while i'm here enjoying my blogging.
Will try to put up pictures of my CHAMPION ROBOT and our CHAMPION TEAM.