Saturday, February 26, 2005


I recalled that i once read an interesting article in an Aunt Agony column in the local papers. The title stood out amongst the other articles, and that's one reason why i started reading it in the first place.
If i remember correctly, i quote : " 21 and still without a girlfriend! ". End quote.
I'm turning 25 in less than two months time. And yet to have one.

There has been lots of "this-man-can't-get-married" reports in the local papers recently. In a gist, a minority of men in Singapore can't seem to find decent lifetime partners. It isn't that they had too high an expectation of their prospective partners. Very much so, it seems, that women are rising their criterion of potential husbands. A sexist remark? You tell me.

I'm always envying couples i see. At least they have someone to share their lives with; someone you can pour your troubles out to, someone whom you can console and show affection to. Someone whom you can go out on dates with, et cetera. Someone whom i desire, but never within my grasp.

Loneliness is my friend. Ironically, but there all the time. Cold and silent He is, accompanying me most of the time.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Ever realised how many tests u've taken until this point of your life? And when i say tests, i mean REAL tests. Tests which would determine how far your paper qualifications would go. Forget about all the philosophical "tests" that He or She has created. Tell that to your Dean, that "i've failed this examination cos He decided to fail me in His little Test on me to determine whether i have the guts to live on after i flunk my major exams."
An average man live till like what, 75 years of age. (i said average! And that's an over-estimate!) He studies till he's about say, 26? That's a third of his life gone! He struggled for a third of his life hoping to earn himself some "paper qualification" and graduates only to find himself unemployed cos the "job market's saturated with graduates".

My tests' next week.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

term break?

Went to the school library today....On a second thought, hey, i've been visiting the library daily since Monday. All because of the mid-term tests coming week. And i'm supposed to be on a "TERM BREAK" this week, where "TERM BREAK" = NO SCHOOL. The whole idea of holidays is CRAP, i'm telling you. While it's meant as a "privilege" for you to rest and condtion your body and mind for the second half of the semester, it's just pure SHAM! They start throwing assignments and "after- the- term- break tests" at you.

Lecturer: There's a holiday next week.
Students: Huh? (Some whisperings and lots of murmurings)
Lecturer: This holiday falls on our lecture day.
Students: (Enthusiastically) YESSSSSSS!!!!
Lecturer: As much as i tried to squeeze your syllables into our preceding lectures, we're still behind time.....
Students: .......
Lecturer: As such we would have to have a make-up lecture this Saturday.....
Students: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I'd never liked make-ups.

Until I entered university, i'd seldom visited libraries. There wasn't a need to then. For a start, i don't read that much. My English's too damn screwed up for me to be seen carrying a Dan Brown novel around. I'd never been to my school library during my secondary school days. Then was Singapore Polytechnic. I've only been there twice in my three years of study there.
It was quite alarming as such when i did a breakdown of one of the days this week:

1 Hour - Preparation for School
2 Hours - Travelling to School
2 Hours - Studying in Library
1 Hour - Breakfast cum Lunch
4 Hours - Studying in Library
1 Hour - Dinner
3 Hours - Studying in Library
2 Hours - Travelling back Home
2 Hours - Checking mails, Doing online schoolwork and my Blog
1 Hour - Shower and light Reading
5 Hours - Sleep

Only 5 hours of sleep compared to 4 hours of travelling each day?!?!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

there's something different about ME

Day in day out i've been lamenting on how bad this world is, how bad things are...Well, i guess it wouldn't kill me to write stuff on a lighter note. I was having lunch today when Xiaozhi commented that i look more handsome now with my hair longer than usual. Hey, i soon realised, that i may have to change my profile a little (c.f my profile)..i'm no longer the "not-so-handsome" guy...I might have to change that to "a-little-handsome"...Maybe i'll do that when more girls double-confirm my hypothesis.

Hmm...It seems that kind people are actually reading my weblog, though i do not know how many...I'm considering adding a counter to my weblog, BUT i don't have a single idea how to...I'll figure it out when i have the time...

I used to think that it doesn't matter whether people read the stuff you've written or not. Now, i'm very sure it DOES! It isn't like if no one were to read your stuff, you'll feel neglected or something. On the contrary, it should be taken in a contrapositive note. You feel happier when someone DOES read what you have written; be it whether they're fans or netizens...Hmm..Fans?

I've seen fellow weblogs and they're filled with nice pictures. Until someone gives me a camera (hopefully, a digital one), i can't create a pictorial out of my weblog. Neither have i a scanner or as such at home. Just a simple desktop and a reliable modem plus broadband connection.

Monday, February 21, 2005

my daily bus trip

Why do people always sleep in the bus? Don't they know that they might actaully be causing hell-lot of awkwardness and embarrassment? Don't they realise that they are making the very person sitting next to them uncomfortable? And thank you, but i don't need that much warmth....In case you are very much into your dreamland in cold Alaska, let me remind you that i'm still in hot Singapore. Don't start dissing me cos i'm one BIG sweat machine. Keep too close to me and sooner than you say hey, my beads of cold, salty sweats' gonna dribble down your sun-kissed face.

It's always the same old bunch of people. The very tired middle-aged aunties, the JC kiddo, the 30-litre backpack trooper schoolboy or the i-studied-till-late tertiary students. I wonder what these people do at nite? Don't they sleep? I know you went clubbing blah blah blah....that's your freaking mother's problem, not mine! Don't start leaning on my shoulders as if i'm some giant pillow or something. It's so darn oppressive when some tired i-had-a-rough-nite faggot leans unto my body, you know that?

As much as i love my country, i don't really like the citizens here.
Education is like a parabola. Having much education doesn't necessarily mean a person has high integrity, likeable personality or good morals. On the contrary, i believe, it causes such values to be slighted. Take a look around next time you're in a bus, and you'll see what i mean.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

why are there flies in an air-conditioned bus?

Just few hours ago, i was in an air-conditioned bus on my way to the library. It started off pleasant until flies began buzzing around me. It was not an isolated case, i'm sure. Cos, i take that bus practically five times a week to school, and these flies were there all the time! Are these flying pests inhabiting every possible hole, every single vent or every little viaduct in the bus? Will it be a case of X-Files where everyone's gonna be trapped within the bus and these little things start swarming out from every possible hole, every single vent or every little viaduct? I shudder at the thought that i might be entrapped in a little "Flies mutiny against Humans" conspiracy here.

Who's then responsible for it?

1)School kids who don't bother to shower before they rush for school, thinking that they smell just the same the nite before because they sleep with their air-conditioners turned on.
2) JC kids who don't bother to shower before they rush for school, thinking that they smell just the same the nite before because they sleep with their air-conditioners turned on. And because they're older, they feel that they have the privilege to consume their breakfast on the bus.
3)School kids who don't bother to shower after their afternoon games, thinking that the air-conditioner in the bus would probably dry their sweat off and render their uniforms wearable the following day.
4)JC kids who don't bother to shower after their afternoon games, thinking that the air-conditioner in the bus would probably dry their sweat off and render their uniforms wearable the following day.
5)Students (and this includes the bunch of JC kids) would can't read simple ENGLISH. So much for getting As for their GPs and As for their O Levels. Have they ever wondered why eating is prohibited on a bus? Maybe they weren't taught that in their JCs or Independent schools. Let's give them a benefit of a doubt and give them a second chance.

JC Boy 1: It's so uncool not to eat on the bus. I'm soooooo busy these days.......Have u finished your tutorials?
JC Boy 2: Man, question 2 is sooooo difficult......Did u play CS yesterday?
JC Boy 1: Yeah....I found a new strategy.... i mean, it's SOOOO uncool to abide all rules and regulations....
JC Boy2: Yeah...Look at my hair....I GOT it dyed off brown....
JC Boy 1: COOOOOL....

If u are already thinking that i have something against JC kiddos, then you are absolutely SPOT on. I absolutely dislike 90% of them. They talk too much (before you start accusing me of being a hypocrite, i'm WRITING here, not TALKING) and they sound like loud-hailers.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

my very first touch

It has always been difficult to begin writing on impulse...and on impulse i mean rite now! Just 3 minutes ago, i was still contemplating on when i should start writing some crap which someone would happen to read... well, i had nothing better else to do on a saturday nite anyway. SO, this is it - my very first entry!
If u are wondering why i've chosen to blog, well....reason's simple. I haven't read a single blog, ever, until like two weeks ago. Then since, i hate to admit but i soon realised i was kinda attracted to HER blog. A novel without an ultimate end; different genres of articles, plots splashed across the various pages.